
Hope in Action

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love."
1 Corinthians 13:13
Posted on:
February 27, 2023

What can be lost, found, full, less, given and taken?  


This week we consider how we can put our hope into action. It is a great time to remember and give thanks for our partnership with Rwanda and our sponsored children.  

Here is an update on them for you to consider in your own quiet times of reflection.

I am actually speechless as I read the latest letter form one of our children – Liliane. Here it is:

Dear Saint Wilfrid's CE Academy, Liliane and her family greet you. Let me tell you about us, my father is called Bimenyimana Deo 46 years old , my mother is Ingabire Francine 35 years old. Our 1st born is called Ishimwe Nadia (16 years old), 2nd born Izere Pascaline (12 years old), I liliane am the 3rd born and I'm 7 years old, 5th born is called Danny (3 years old), Our 1st born studies in Level 6 primary because she fell sick for a long time which made her not study well, second born is in Level 4 Primary and I study in Level 3. 4th born is in Level 2 primary and the 5th studies in pre-school.

Gift acknowledgment: Liliane and her family appreciate you for the gift worth 760,132rwf. They bought in a house worth 550,000rwf, the rest of it they used for buying land and materials for building a kitchen and also paying the worker. Thank you so much and may God open the right paths for you and also increase on what you have.

I will check to make sure the translation is correct, but it looks like the money we raised has transformed a family’s life already. Remember, Liliane is the newest member of our sponsorship program, after Romeo’s family were successful in gaining employment and moving out of extreme poverty.

Today, this week, or whenever you may be feeling like hope has been lost, less, or taken; remember the amazing difference that an act of love and generosity can bring. Is there a way that you could be a difference maker in someone’s life today too, by giving hope or helping someone find it?!

What is your response?
As you read the devotional, set some time aside to ask God how the word can change you today.
James 1:22 says "Do not merely listen to the word...do what it says." How can you live out the challenges set, or share the encouragement from the post today?
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