

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Our aim is to safeguard, include and support all of our students.

We want to enable our students to be the best they can be, through identifying and removing their individual barriers to success.

We recognise that every teacher is a teacher of every child and has a responsibility for the progress of all students. Quality-first teaching is the first step to ensuring that barriers to learning are removed and students fulfil their potential.

The support your child gets from our Academy should meet their needs. They will be able to access help called SEND Support. It is part of what is known as the ‘graduated approach’ and you will be contacted if we think your child needs this.
What do you do if you think your child may have SEND?

You can contact our SENCo if you think your child may have SEND. You will be involved and your views will be needed.

The four stages of SEND support:
1. Assess – The inclusion Faculty and teaching staff can assess your child to identify their strengths, needs and extra support they may require.
2. Plan – We will agree, with your involvement, the outcomes the SEND support is intended to achieve.
3. Do – We will put the planned support into place.
4. Review – We will review the support and consider any changes that need to be made.
Learner Passports
Every child with SEND has a Learner Passport, which details what the Academy, the class teachers and the SENDCO plan to do to help the child learn andprogress. It will be written in collaboration with the parent and the child, wherever possible. Our staff work in partnership with parents and the SENDCO to find ways to support each child with their needs, including giving parents ideas on how to help their child at home.

Included in a Learner Passport:
– Short term targets for the child, which are linked to their needs.
– Details of any extra support the child will get.
– Who will give the child help.
– How often the child will get help.
– How and when the school will monitor the child’s progress (every half term).
– It will be written alongside the child and the parents, who will have a direct input.
Dedicated indoor SEND area open during break and lunch times, offering organised board games, facilities to complete homework with LSA support and LEGO building, our SEND area is extremely well furnished and resourced, providing students with a comfortable and safe environment. In addition, there are two further class rooms for withdrawal lessons and workshops. There is also a Hearing Impaired Resource managed by Mrs Wong, Teacher of the Deaf. All Hearing Impaired students are fully integrated into mainstream lessons.
SEN Team
Mr S Hughes – SENDCO
01254 604000

Mrs C Scholey – HLTA
Mrs M Wong – Teacher of the Deaf
Mrs E Hardy – SEND Administrator
Mrs R Roscoe – Teacher within SEND
Access Arrangements
Access Arrangements can be provided for external examinations as long as there is a history of need and provision or evidence is provided to substantiate the need.
BwD Local Offer
Should you wish to make a complaint about the support provided by the Academy, please follow our complaints policy and contact Mr Hughes (SENDCO) in the first instance.


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