
Not My Will But Yours

"Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done."
Luke 22:42
Posted on:
April 6, 2020

What does Jesus’ attitude to his Father teach us?

This is Holy Week. During this week we build up to the moment that changed everything, for everyone, forever – Jesus’ death and resurrection.

It seems to me like the current situation we face is a game changer. For those who follow politics, going from a season of austerity to being able to spend ‘whatever it takes’, is a massive shift. For those who had planned to travel to distant lands (or even out of their homes) during the Easter break, those plans have changed. We definitely seem to be in a season of change.

Jesus changed everything. Easter is the period in the church calendar when we focus on the events that took Jesus from the triumphal entry into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) to the cross (Good Friday). Jesus dies alone. He knows what it is like to suffer. He knows what it is to be isolated. He experienced death.

When would you have quit? If you were Jesus, would it have been when your disciples were arguing about which of them was the greatest? Would you have turned to God at that point and said, “This hasn’t worked! How can I trust these guys to spread good news? They are so self-absorbed.”  Would it have been the moment Peter exclaimed, “I do not know him”, when questioned by a servant girl? Would it have been the 39th time the whip with sharp ends was pulled out of your back, knowing you were completely innocent?

Jesus gave us an example of self-sacrifice that can inspire all during this difficult time. His desire to do his Fathers will helped him overcome all the opportunities he had to give up. Let Jesus be your example during this Easter season. You will not find a better example, ever.

But please, do not think that the Easter message is just that we can stand strong under suffering. Jesus’ approach to the cross, his death and resurrection brought FORGIVESS OF SIN and the certainty of ETERNAL LIFE for all who believe.

This Easter, with all the restrictions imposed and the problems we face, is a great time to ask what Jesus’ death and resurrection means to you. There is no better time than NOW to accept forgiveness, believe you are forgiven and confess that Jesus is Lord.

What is your response?
As you read the devotional, set some time aside to ask God how the word can change you today.
James 1:22 says "Do not merely listen to the word...do what it says." How can you live out the challenges set, or share the encouragement from the post today?
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