When teaching online, staff have been advised to set all work on Firefly each day. They will deliver lessons which engage our students by creating videos/ PowerPoints with audio, or teaching them via Live lessons through TEAMS.
During online lessons we encourage our staff to:
- Keep explanations short and simple
- Explain to the students the purpose of the tasks and how long they should spend on each task
- Embed retrieval, especially when new teaching builds on prior knowledge
- Model in order to explain concepts, and in doing so narrate the thought process as they work through examples
- Set lessons which follow a sequence of teach - model - practice to secure effective learning
- Set assessments to demonstrate that students have learned the knowledge and can apply the skills over time (see the later section on this).
Staff are discouraged to set project work over a period of time. If they do wish to focus on a longer-term project, they should break this down lesson by lesson and monitor the students' learning throughout this project.
The above guidelines should be fully embraced when teaching under the wider restrictions which would be implemented under the Contingency Framework. However, we recognise that this is not always feasible with partial remote learning whilst staff are teaching within the classroom and simultaneously setting work for students who are isolating. This is also recognised within the DfE document
‘Guidance for full opening of schools’. In this case, staff should outline the tasks covered within the lessons with a clear explanation of what the student needs to do, along with any supporting material which were used within the lesson (E.g. PowerPoints).
When planning what is taught within a period of remote learning, as may be implemented under the Contingency Framework, Learning Area Coordinators and postholders may opt to change the sequencing of units within a scheme of learning, as some topics may be more suited to distance learning. A further adaptation may mean that they opt to teach the knowledge in school whilst the students then consolidate and apply the knowledge whilst at home, or vice versa, focusing on knowledge acquisition at home and consolidation and application when back in the classroom. This will be discussed by Learning Area Coordinators (LAC) regularly within their teams in Learning Area meetings.
LACs are responsible for quality assuring the remote learning and the subsequent impact of this, including working with their staff to identify gaps in students' knowledge and address these.